The Risks of Sleeping With Wet Hair - Turbie Twist

The Risks of Sleeping With Wet Hair

At the end of the day we are all tired and simply want to go to bed. But should you be sleeping with wet hair? Let's look at the pros and cons of this action.

sleeping with wet hair


We're all guilty of it. Even though we may not know all of the specific risks of doing so, we know that it's not the best thing for us. Whether we know the risks or not, we all do it sometimes; we wind up sleeping with wet hair. 

There are plenty of reasons why not to fall asleep with wet hair, so why do we still do it? If you're like many of us, the first thing you want to do when you get home from a long day of work is take a shower. In most cases, after a long and relaxing shower, the next thing we want to do is lay down in bed. 

This is why so many people tend to fall asleep with their hair still wet. Blame it on the long workday, blame it on the children to tend to at home, whatever your reason is, it's valid. We understand how difficult it can be to take time for yourself. 

This is one area that needs your attention. Why? Sleeping with wet hair comes with several risks. Here's what you need to know!

1. It's Uncomfortable 

The first reason why you shouldn't sleep with wet hair is that it's downright uncomfortable. Wet hair at night keeps you cold when you're trying to get cozy. It's also not comfortable to have water dripping down your neck and back when trying to sleep. 

Aside from that, your wet hair will get your pillows and blankets wet as well, and who wants to sleep with wet pillows and blankets? Yuck! The inability to stay comfortable while sleeping with wet hair might not be a risk so to say, but it's a good reason not to do it. 

2. Promotes Bacteria Growth

Remember when we said that sleeping with wet hair will cause your pillows and blankets to get wet as well? It will, there's no denying that, and do you know what happens when they get wet?

It gives bacteria the opportunity to grow! This is because the water from your wet hair mixed with the warmth from your body creates the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria. You can change your pillowcase in the morning and wash your sheets, but how great are the chances that you'll actually do this every morning?

It sounds like a lot of work! On top of it being a lot of work to wash sheets and pillowcases each morning, the dampness from your hair will pass through your pillowcase and seep into the pillow itself as well. Without proper drying, bacteria will have a good chance to grow here. 

3. Hair Breakage 

Have you tried everything to keep your hair growing strong and withstand breakage? It takes a lot of effort to keep hair strong and healthy, even more so for people with specific types of hair. If you're going to bed with wet hair though, you could be undoing all of that hard work you've put in to prevent breakage. 

For example, maybe you've gone out of your way to buy satin pillowcases and expensive hair products. When you lay down with your hair still wet, you're at risk of hair breakage. This is because your hair is at its most vulnerable state when wet

As you move in your sleep, your hair gets pulled and will break. When it's dry, it's less likely to break. 

4. Causes Hair Loss

Not only will you suffer from hair breakage by sleeping with wet hair, but you'll also suffer from hair loss. Your hair is fragile when it's wet, which causes it to break. This also causes you to lose your hair completely. 

Hair will fall out due to it being wet and fragile while you sleep, but the conditions you put your scalp in can also cause hair to fall out. All of that bacteria growing on your pillow will also affect your scalp. Imagine warm, damp conditions for your scalp.

This leaves open an opportunity for bacteria and fungus to grow on your scalp as well!

5. Causes Dandruff 

Speaking of bacteria and fungus growth on your scalp, sleeping with wet hair causes dandruff. As you sleep, the warmth and dampness of your hair allow buildup on your scalp. What makes your scalp even more irritated is how your natural oils will be absorbed into your pillowcase and blankets as well.

In return, you're left with dry hair and a dry scalp. 

6. Causes Hair to Tangle 

When your hair is wet, it's more likely to get tangled up. As you sleep and toss and turn, your wet hair will become tangled up within itself. If you tend to fall asleep with wet hair often, then you've most likely noticed that you wake up with a lot of knots in your hair. 

When you brush it out in the morning, you break your hair. This could be avoided if your hair is dry and combed before going to bed at night. 

Sleeping With Wet Hair Is a No-Go!

If you ever wondered if sleeping with wet hair was bad for you, the answer is yes! Stop sleeping with wet hair today! We know how difficult it can be to focus on yourself and take the time to dry your hair each night before bed.

That's why we made it easy for you. Unlike other hair towels, with the Turbie Twist, you can wrap your hair up with a lightweight towel that won't weigh you down. The Turbie Twist snuggles your hair and head perfectly to keep it from falling out. After wrapping your hair, you can continue your nightly routine while your hair dries with ease!

Click here to see what options are available for you and stop damaging your hair and scalp!