How to Properly Detangle All Hair Types - Turbie Twist

How to Properly Detangle All Hair Types

Whether wet or dry, all hair types need techniques for detangling. Read on for how you can properly detangle your hair - whatever your hair type.

Are you tired of noticing visible tangles in your long hair? Do you wonder if the way you try to get out tangles isn't working? If so, then you need to start by learning how to detangle all hair types.

You might be surprised to find out that there are different methods of detangling for the different hair types, but it makes sense, right? Some types require a bit more maintenance than others. Those luscious locks are a blessing and a curse.

See below for an in-depth guide on how to detangle straight hair, wavy hair, and curly hair to get a better result.

What Does Tangled Hair Mean?ย 

Doesn't it seem like tangled hair happens in the most important of situations? It's as if your hair realizes that it's a momentous occasion, then decides to intertwine itself.

We all deal with tangled hair from time to time, but what does it mean? Why does your hair go through spurts of constantly getting tangled, then not getting tangled at all? What gives?

As it turns out, tangled hair is actually a warning sign for your hair; it's the equivalent of the bat signal calling Batman for help. Your tangles are a desperate cry for help.

First, your tangled hair might be a sign that your hair is damaged in certain spots. When certain cuticles on a hair strand are raised, it latches on to other strands with a death grip and refuses to let go.ย 

Second, tangled hair is a sign of dry hair follicles. With a lack of moisture, your hair isn't able to lock into place and tries a desperate attempt at catching other follicles for support. The result is a hair tangleย seemingly stronger than a Palomar knot.

The best way to detangle a knot is to take proactive measures to avoid them, let's find out how in the next header...

How to Prevent Tangles

It's important to note that hair tangles aren't always a clear sign of damaged hair. Some types of hair are just more prone to tangles, such as curly hair.ย That said, there are certain ways to can try to avoid tangles altogether.ย 

First, you should avoid washing your hair too often. Shampoo can have the opposite effect if you use it too frequently. Experts recommend that you only shampoo two to three times a week, so disperse those days evenly throughout any seven-day period. Condition every other day.

Second, try to avoid harmful processes. Doing too many things to it, such as blow-drying your hair too often can dry out your hairย and scalp. You'll also want to avoid tough chemicals such as perms, dyes, and so on.

Third, make sure that you're drying your hair the right way. As we already mentioned, hairdryers are quite harmful to the follicle and scalp. You need the right products to help your hair dry naturally, such as a microfiber towel.

The Turbie Twist is the perfect solution because it's easy to use, helps shorten the hair-drying process, and helps your hair lock in all the essential oils.

How to Detangle Different Types of Hair

Let's dive into the different ways to detangle your hair. Make sure to factor in the hair categoryย that your luscious mane falls into.

Wavy Hair

For those of you with wavy hair, we have good news: one of your best tools for detangling wavy hair is alreadyย onย youโ€”your hand.

Grab your hair a section at a time and then run your fingers downward. Start from the bottom of your hair and then work your way up to the scalp. When you feel a knot, gently massage it until it untangles.

Wavy hair is generally quite thick, so it's best to untangle it when it's completely dry. For best results, try to untangle it every morning, as well as every night before you hit the pillow.

Straight Hair

As you might imagine, straight hair is generally the easiest to detangle. It can be untangled while it's either wet or dry, so choose your preference on that one.

When your hair is wet, wet a wide-tooth comb or a brush and run it through each section, starting from the bottom and working your way up towards the scalp.

If your hair is dry, do the same thing, but with a brush that has strong bristles. Whatever you do, don't attack the knot. Use the bristles to gently guide the hair where you'd like it to go.

Curly Hair

Microfiber towels are exceptionally mandatory for those of you with curly hair. Use the Turbie Twist to get your hair to a semi-dry state, then place some primer in it.

Grab a wide-tooth comb and comb through each section from the bottom to the top. Don't be afraid to be a bit tougher with curly hair; it can be quite stubborn.

Unlike the other two hair types, you'll only want to detangle your curly hair when it's moist. Some experts even recommend keeping a spray bottle close by so that you can spray each area before you go to town on it.

Follow Proper Technique for All Hair Types

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on how to detangle all hair types, you should start by investing in the right hair care products.

Are you wondering whether a Turbie Twist is useful for your long hair? If so, then read this article on whether or not you can wear a hair towel with long hairstyles. Be sure to shop through our other great products as well!