Gift Idea Roundup: Top Gifts for Your Sister's Birthday - Turbie Twist

Gift Idea Roundup: Top Gifts for Your Sister's Birthday

Need ideas for gifts for your sister's birthday? You'll want to check out our gift idea roundup with creative ideas she'll love.

Gifts for Your Sisters Birthday


On average, Americans have around 3 best friends. Is one of yours your sister? Then she certainly deserves all the finer things in life.

Maybe you've already given her everything she's ever wanted for all her other birthdays, and you're stumped on the upcoming one.

Do you need some ideas for gifts for your sister's birthday? Then we've got you covered. Read on for some top ideas!

Makeup Set

Has your sister been eyeing a new eyeshadow palette by Kat von D? Or perhaps she wants a lipstick or two from Jeffree Star.

No matter which way you look at it, the makeup she desires is not cheap at all. So maybe she's put off those purchases to take care of responsible adult things, like rent and bills.

This is the time for you to really spoil her, especially if you have some spare cash. When your sister unwraps this gift, it'll be worth every penny seeing her face light up.


This gift only works if you know your sister's personal tastes. Otherwise, you might struggle to pick a piece that really suits her.

Take a whirl around the shop and see what you can find, such as earrings, rings, bracelets, or necklaces. You might want to consider getting a matching set so she can wear these new pieces for special occasions.

But no matter what you choose, it's certain to be a hit with her. And considering you can never have too much jewelry, your gift will surely be appreciated.

Spa Day

If your sister's been stressed out lately, then she'll highly benefit from a spa day. This is especially true if she's married and has kids that she takes care of every day.

Not only can a spa day help her relax and unwind, but it can also give her some much-needed "me" time. If you're able to watch the kids for her, then even better! That way, she won't have to arrange for a babysitter. She'll have more peace of mind knowing she doesn't have to pay for one and that a loved one is watching her children.

A Turbie Twist

Does your sister take really good care of her hair? Then you'll want to get her a Turbie Twist. These come in cotton or microfiber, so you can choose the one that suits her best. We even make an XL version if she has long hair!

The Turbie Twist is something she can use to wrap her hair up after her showers. It's easy to use and keeps her hair out of the way while she goes about her after-show routine.

The best thing about using a Turbie Twist is that it not only does it dry hair quickly, but it also doesn't damage hair. This ensures that your sister can get a ton of convenience without compromising her beautiful locks.

A Turbie Band

Next up in the Turbie line of products is the Turbie Band. This is perfect for people who want their hair out of the way while they go about their daily lives, but don't want to wear the Turbie Twist all day.

The Turbie band is made of 100% cotton and is made extra-wide. All your sister will have to do is slip it on her head and it'll stay there comfortably for hours and hours. She won't have to keep tucking her hair back, nor will she have to search for little clips and ties.

Whether she likes going jogging in the morning, going to yoga class, or just lounging around reading a book, a Turbie Band will keep your sister's hair out of her way.

A Satin Pillowcase

Many people don't know this, but sleeping on a satin pillowcase can do wonders for not only your hair but also for your skin. So if one of your sister's biggest fears is aging, then a satin pillowcase might be a very thoughtful gift.

Each night, she can rest her head on a pillowcase that's soft, cool, and smooth. This will protect her luscious locks, as it will reduce friction, and therefore, reduce frizz when she wakes up. She'll have much healthier hair in the future, thanks to you!

Your sister will also resist the effects of Father Time. She'll retain beautiful and flawless skin by using this thoughtful present every night.

A New Shower Cap

Ok, this one might sound like a weird one, but hear us out. Your sister likes to take good care of her hair, right? Then this means she probably doesn't wash it every day, as it can dry out her silky hair.

For someone who's so particular about hair, a shower cap from a dollar store just won't do. Instead, the Turbie Twist shower cap is much better suited for her.

Our shower caps are made with fun and fashionable designs so your sister doesn't feel dowdy when using it. Plus, it's completely waterproof, so she doesn't have to worry about any water seeping in.

If she's eco-conscious, then you're in luck. Our shower caps are made to be recyclable so when she wants to finally toss it, she can do so guilt-free.

Get the Perfect Gifts for Your Sister's Birthday

Now you have a great list of gifts for your sister's birthday. Armed with this list, you don't have to just settle on one gift. Instead, pick a few, or even all to really spoil her this year!

Are you ready to get your sister the perfect gifts for her birthday? Then be sure to put check out all our Turbie Twist products today!